Children of Alcoholic’s Awareness Month (COA)

During the month of February many communities, including Kenosha, recognize the challenges that children face living in homes where there is substance abuse and chemical dependency, including alcoholism. Children, no matter the age, deserve the help they need to recover from the pain and losses suffered in childhood due to loved one’s alcohol and other drug abuse. Having a “safe place” to learn about the illness of chemical dependency, talk about feelings, and how to cope can take place at school, at Alateen meetings, community agencies, youth centers and churches.

Parents can give school a call and ask to speak to the social worker or counselor who assists students and parents who have questions related to alcohol and other drugs.  At Reuther Central High School your contact is Laurie Bonnar, our school social worker.  Laurie can be reached at 359-7583.  Also, our Kenosha HOPE Council on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse, 658-8166, will assist anyone who calls with these concerns.

So what can parent or child do to help themselves and the one’s they love?  The National Association for Children of Alcoholics ( suggests we follow 7 C’s.  If chemical abuse is in your life say this to yourself and your children.

  • I didn’t cause it.
  • I can’t cure it.
  • I can’t control it.
  • I can take care of myself by communicating my feelings and listening to others.
  • I can make healthy choices.
  • I can celebrate the special person I am.

We at Reuther work every day to make a safe place for students to learn and grow in their studies and their life.   Together with our parents and our community we can help all of our students attain the special “brilliance within them”.

Grant Howe