Social Work and Social Workers on Staff

Social Workers on Staff

Laurie Bonnar
Grant Howe

Many children and families face challenges in their personal, school, home, and work lives. For example, single parents struggle to raise children while working; teens may become parents before they are ready; some children are exposed to violence. Child, family, and school social workers help children and families get back on track so they can lead healthy, happy lives. Child, family, and school social workers help children and families cope with social and psychological problems that may arise at school, at home, at work, or in the larger community.

Did You Know our Social Workers…

  • Counsel people with various problems, such as:
    • Anxiety
    • Depression
    • Anger management
    • Grief and loss
    • Resiliency
    • Alcohol and drug issues affecting students and family
    • Pregnancy
    • Bullying
    • Suicide/self-harm
    • Smoking cessation (quitting smoking)
    • Organize community service hours
  • Refer families and students to community services and beneficial programs
  • Work with other professionals within the school and community
  • Advocate for their students and families, helping them get the services and support they need in the school, home, and community.