Curriculum, Testing & Support
KUSD Curriculum
- Math Bridges Curriculum
- Guided Reading Reading/Writing Workshop Model
- Phonics Grades K-5 Lesson example.
- Science – Amplify
- KUSD Standards
- Wisconsin State Standards for Learning: English Language Arts (ELA) Math Science Social Studies
Curriculum Supports
- Lexia Core 5 Program
- Morning Meeting
- Second Step Social-Emotional Curriculum 4K-5.
- Zones of Regulation
Student Support
- Language Acquisition Program (LAP) also known as ELL. Contact Paula Stachow ( or Deb Matthews (
- Talent Development
- Student Support Services (Special Education, 504, Intervention, Counseling)
Reading Student Test Results
School Safety – ALICE
- ALiCE is an easy to remember acronym that stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate. ALiCE was developed by Greg Crane, law enforcement officer and security consultant, to keep his wife’s (an elementary school principal) school safe after the events of Columbine. ALICE was the very first training program in the country that provided staff and students with optional responses in response to a suspicious intruder.
- Visit the ALiCE website for more information about this program.