
Jonathan Bar-Din

Dear Parents,

The education of your children is of vital importance to the entire staff at Curtis Strange Elementary School. We need your help in making certain that your children arrive at school on time, well-rested and adequately nourished. Ideally, schools should be a place where students and teachers can engage in activities related to learning without fear of personal safety. It is the responsibility of us all to ensure our school is safe so students can fully direct their attention to schoolwork and student activities. Here at Curtis Strange Elementary, our goal for your child is to provide the opportunity for life-long learning, but we share in the responsibility of protecting our students and helping them feel safe. You are always welcome to visit the school. We do ask, however, that you report to the school office before visiting classrooms. All visitors and/or volunteers who visit Curtis Strange are required to sign in and obtain a “Visitors” pass or “Volunteer” badge. We believe that this identification procedure will help in preserving a safe environment for your children. In the event of any serious safety incident taking place on our campus, parents will always be notified!

I am very proud of our staff, students, parents, and community. I am convinced that Curtis Strange is well on its way to becoming one of the best schools in the state. We need the help and support from parents and community members to accomplish this goal. Please take the time to share in your child’s school experiences and feel free to communicate with us as often as possible. The Staff of Curtis Strange Elementary strives to affect the future by providing an environment that recognizes individuality, motivates students to achieve their learning potential and inspires social responsibility. Rest assured that we will treat your children like our own.


Jonathan Bar-Din
email: Mr. Bar-Din