With all the happenings of a school we will do our best to communicate. Here are the common ways to stay connected:
- School Web Site…. this site is updated frequently and has many forms that you can print and send in!
- Facebook…. “Like Brass Community School” and get inside perspectives of the school and important updates and reminders.
- Call us! Our school office number is (262) 359-8000. Attendance line (262) 359- 8040.
- Email – this is the preferred way by teachers as it is easiest and quick. We will do our best to return all emails within 24 hours or likely that same day.
- Wednesday Folders – these come home each week to help with all those announcements, graded papers and upcoming permission slips.
Check out the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act 2010
During lunch, students have basically 4 options that need to be chosen from prior to 9:05 a.m. every morning. Teachers will ask students to choose from the following:
- Option 1: (white card) This is the “main” hot lunch offering.
- Option 2: (gold card) This is the “veggie” lunch offering.
- Option 3: (blue card) This is if the student chooses to bring a cold lunch and will be taking a milk. ($.35)
- Option 4: (no card) This is the cold lunch option where a child would be bringing a lunch and a beverage to school.
If your child decides to participate in the school offered lunch, they will need to make some choices as he/she moves through the line. Students are required to take a MINIMUM of 3 items (NO EXCEPTIONS!) Children are not forced to eat anything they do not want to, but they must take the food required.
If a child is late to school after 9:15 a.m., parents will be required to provide a lunch for their child as the count will already have been reported.
FRIDAY LUNCH (Served inside the classroom)
Student Options: (NO VEGGIE OPTION)
- Take the complete lunch and one milk
- Take the complete lunch only (White Card)
- Refuse Lunch
- Take milk only (Blue Card)
Students are strongly encouraged to eat their lunch during the designated time and not remove any food from the classroom for health reasons.
BREAKFAST (Served inside the classroom)
Student Options:
- Take the breakfast box and one milk
- Take the breakfast box only
- Refuse breakfast
Breakfast boxes generally include a dry cereal, crackers, and a juice box.