Welcome to Nash Elementary School!

Our excellent children, staff members and parents are proud to be members of this Nash School Family for many reasons.  They understand and have embraced the three guiding virtues our mascot “Charlie the Nash Knight” promotes in his shield – KINDNESS, RESPECT, AND HARD WORK.  Our Nash School Family is a wonderfully diverse assemblage of people representing many nationalities, cultures, and religions.  As a school family, we are bound by the common belief that through kindness and respect we will make many friends, enjoy abundant happiness, and maintain a safe, productive school environment.    It’s our aim for all members of our school family to feel welcomed and appreciated.  We also realize that it is only through hard work that we will realize our potential as students, staff members and parents. Thus, the work ethic displayed by members of our Nash School Family is second to none and has become a Nash School Family trait in which we all take great pride.

School building