Spooky Stories Podcast – 2018

Video filmed by Jane Rider, edited by Sam Reeves

Transcript typed by Sam Reeves


Kat: On Valentines day I received a note from a secret admirer. At first, I didn’t think much of it. Then when I got home, I read the note straight away and realized it wasn’t a love note at all. It said, “Dear Kat, roses are red, violets are blue. Your whole family is dead, while you’re wondering who. P.s, check your bathroom.” I ran to my bathroom, scared as hell. When I entered, I saw my whole family dead, hanging from the ceiling, and a small gap with a note saying, “Reserved for Kat.”

Sam:  A man named Joseph Blackwell came to Philadelphia on a business trip. He stayed with friends in the big house they owned outside the city. That night they had a good time visiting. But when Blackwell went to bed, he tossed and turned and couldn’t sleep.

Sometime during the night he heard a car turn into the driveway. He went to the window to see who was arriving at such a late hour. In the moonlight, he saw a long, black hearse filled with people.

The driver of the hearse looked up at him. When Blackwell saw his queer, hideous face, he shuddered. The driver called to him, “There is room for one more.” Then he waited for a minute or two, and he drove off.

In the morning, Blackwell told his friends what had happened. “You were dreaming,” they said. “I must have been,” he said, “but it didn’t seem like a dream.”

After breakfast he went into Philadelphia. He spent the day high above the city in one of the new office buildings there.

Late in the afternoon he was waiting for an elevator to take him back down to the street. But when it arrived, it was very crowded. One of the passengers looked out and called to him. “There is room for one more,” he said.

It was the driver of the hearse.

“No, thanks,” said Blackwell. “I’ll get te next one.”

The doors closed, and the elevator started down. There was shrieking and screaming, then the sound of a crash. The elevator had fallen to the bottom of the shaft.

Everyone aboard was smashed.

Nicole: A few hours after I was buried alive, I was thrilled when I heard someone digging me out. My joy quickly faded when I realized the sound was coming from underneath me.

Kyson: I am 19 years old. There are no mirrors in my house. None of my friends want to come over because they want to do normal sleepover activities, like makeovers hair styling. But we can’t do that at my house, so I always go to their houses. Even then, I refuse to look in the mirror, because of something that happened a few months ago.

About 4 months ago, I was just a normal girl. It was the day after my 19th birthday, so I was in front of the bathroom mirror trying on some of the new makeup my friends had gotten me for my birthday. I was opening a new lip gloss, so that had all of my attention. When I looked up, I wasn’t looking at myself in the mirror. I mean, it must have been, but it wasn’t really me. The girl in the mirror was thinner, pretty much skin and bones. Her hair was greasy and lanky, and her eyes were sunken in. She was vomiting up a green sort of liquid. I screamed.

I must have passed out somehow, because I woke up with a pounding headache. I quickly realized that I wasn’t lying on my bathroom floor. I was lying on damp, cold concrete. My clothes were wet from the floor. I quickly got up. Black speckles danced in front of my eyes, but I shook them off. My clothes were dirty and tattered, and my shoes were gone. I could see what looked like a window in front of me, so I went to look through it. When I looked through, I saw the girl. But she was me, the real me. I then realized I was looking into my bathroom. She grinned at me, her teeth like needles. Then, I saw the green liquid on my clothes. She was me, and I was her. I quickly lifted my shirt, and I could easily count my ribs. Time seemed to slow down. I tried to reach through the mirror, but the glass blocked me.

The girl cackled as she watched me struggle and panic. I started screaming at her to let me out. She just watched me in amusement. Then, she started putting on my makeup. She began to look more and more like me, until we were identical. She opened the door. Right before she left the bathroom, she said:

“You’re mine now.” I went into autopilot. I took my fist and smashed it into the mirror. The glass slashed me all the way up to my elbow, the blood trickling down my arm. As soon as the mirror broke, everything went black.

I woke up on my bathroom floor. I stood up, looked in the mirror, and realized that everything was normal. The mirror was intact, and the unopened lip gloss was sitting on the counter, untouched. I peered into the mirror, and I saw myself. My normal self, with nothing out of the ordinary. I decided that I must have fainted somehow and just had a super weird dream. I turned to leave the bathroom, when I felt something wet trickle down my arm. It was blood, streaming out of several cuts that reached all the way up to my elbow.


Alberto: Once in a little village not that far from here, there was a problem. Animals had started dying off, one by one. In the morning their owners would see them lying outside with 10 holes in their chest. The people thought it was the work of their neighboring town.

Then, one night a man by the name of Fred was closing his store for the night. It was very late, and he was anxious to get home to his family. He shut off all the lights, then closed the door with a satisfying click. As he turned around to go to his car he saw a dark shape in the distance. He stood still trying to make out what it was. As it got closer, Fred turned to go. It was the last move he ever made. The next day they found him with 10 holes in his chest.

This made the town quite worried. They were scared of more people getting killed. So, one night two brave brothers, John and Jacob went out to get rid of the problem. They each took knives, and walkie talkies. They said good-bye to their father, and kissed their grandmother on the way out.

The two boys decided to split up. One would go by the site of the murder, and the other would wander the streets. If one was attacked they could use their walkie talkie to contact the other. So they set off, keeping a close eye on the shadows. Nothing seemed to be happening. It was a calm night, and it seemed like they would get home safely. But then suddenly John heard a crackling in the bushes behind him. He tried to call his brother, but it was too late. The figure leaped out of the bushes and tackled him, gouging his chest with its nails. Luckily Jacob heard the commotion, and rushed to help him. He leaped through the air and cut off the creatures right hand. The creature screamed and ran.

Jacob took John to the hospital, and they bandaged him home. The doctors called them heroes, and finally they got home at 6 that morning. Only their grandmother was up, so they said good morning, then went back to bed. Neither of them noticed she was missing her hand.


Kat: A young girl is staying by herself in the house for the very first time. Her parents have told her, “If you get scared, put your hand under the bed and the dog will lick it. He will keep you safe.”

She turns on the TV and watches the news. The reporters are talking about a serial killer who has escaped prison and is on the loose, and they warn everyone not to go out after dark. The girl is scared and she runs around her house, locking all the windows. She goes down to the basement but the window there is jammed and she can’t close it, so instead she locks the basement door.

When she goes to bed she calls her dog up and he crawls under the bed. She is still frightened, but manages to go to sleep.

She wakes up in the middle of the night to a loud dripping noise coming from the bathroom. The noise is loud and annoying, but for some reason, she finds it unsettling. Her room is dark and she is afraid to get up to check it. She sticks her hand under the bed like her parents told her to do and feels the dog’s warm, wet tongue licking it. She tries to turn on her bedside lamp, but the switch isn’t working. She becomes even more scared and buries under the covers. She puts her hand under the bed again. The dog licks it, and she manages to go back to sleep, listening to her dog’s heavy breathing to calm her. She sleeps with one arm dangling under the bed, where the dog can lick it occasionally, and vows to check the dripping in the morning.

The next day she gets up, and goes to the bathroom to shower. As she pulls back her shower curtain,  she sees her dog hanging by a rope from the shower head, dead. Blood is trickling from it, thick and stale. Written in its blood across the bathroom wall is


Sam: The reports had been on the radio all day, though she hadn’t paid much attention to them. Some crazy man had escaped from the state asylum. They were calling him the Hook Man since he had lost his right arm and had it replaced with a hook. He was a killer, and everyone in the region was warned to keep watch and report anything suspicious. But this didn’t interest her. She was more worried about what to wear on her date.

After several consultation calls with friends, she chose a blue outfit in the very latest style and was ready and waiting on the porch when her boyfriend came to pick her up in his car. They went to a drive-in movie with another couple, then dropped them off and went parking in the local lover’s lane. The blue outfit was a hit, and she cuddled close to her boyfriend as they kissed to the sound of romantic music on the radio.

Then the announcer came on and repeated the warning she had heard that afternoon. An insane killer with a hook in place of his right hand was loose in the area. Suddenly, the dark, moonless night didn’t seem so romantic to her. The lover’s lane was secluded and off the beaten track. A perfect spot for a deranged mad-man to lurk, she thought, pushing her amorous boyfriend away.

“Maybe we should get out of here,” she said. “That Hook Man sounds dangerous.”

“Awe, c’mon babe, it’s nothing,” her boyfriend said, trying to get in another kiss. She pushed him away again.

“No, really. We’re all alone out here. I’m scared,” she said.

They argued for a moment. Then the car shook a bit, as if something…or someone…had touched it. She gave a shriek and said: “Get us out of here now!”

“Jeeze,” her boyfriend said in disgust, but he turned the key and went roaring out of the lover’s lane with a screeching of his tires.

They drove home in stony silence, and when they pulled into her driveway, he refused to help her out of the car. He was being so unreasonable, she fumed to herself. She opened the door indignantly and stepped into her driveway with her chin up and her lips set. Whirling around, she slammed the door as hard as she could. And then she screamed.

Her boyfriend leapt out of the car and caught her in his arms. “What is it? What’s wrong?” he shouted. Then he saw it. A bloody hook hung from the handle of the passenger-side door.

Nicole: The last thing I saw was my alarm clock flashing 12:07 before she pushed her long, rotting nails through my chest, her other hand muffling my screams. I sat bolt upright, relieved it was only a dream, but as I saw my alarm clock read 12:06, I heard my closet door creak open.

Kyson: A long time ago, there lived a girl who had a dark green ribbon tied around her neck. On her first day of school, the boy  sitting behind her (whose name was Jim) noticed it from beneath her blonde hair.

“Why are you wearing that green ribbon?” He asked the little girl. She looked at the ground.

“Someday, maybe I’ll tell you,’ She said and turned away.

A year later, they became best friends, and whilst they were eating lunch, Jim asked again. “Why do you wear that green ribbon?”

The little girl laughed awkwardly, “Maybe I’ll tell you another time.”

When they entered High School, Jim asked the girl out, and she soon became his girlfriend. He asked again as they were kissing, “Now will you tell my why you wear that green ribbon?” He pleaded with her.

“Umm… Maybe if we ever get married, I’ll tell you,” She said, biting her lip.

Jim fell in love with the girl, and 10 years later, he proposed and they got married. In bed their first night, the only thing his new wife wouldn’t take off was her green ribbon.

“PLEASE tell me why you wear that ribbon!” Jim begged.

“If we ever have kids, I’ll tell you,” She replied, averting her gaze.

They had two children, a boy and a girl, and then Jim asked again. “NOW, will you please, please, please tell me why you wear that green ribbon?!”

His wife sighed and answered, “Look, if you really love me, please just drop it. One day, I promise I will tell you why.”

So, Jim dropped it, even though he was dying to know. He just accepted the fact that his wife always wore a green ribbon around her neck. They grew old together, and the women became very sick; The doctor told Jim she was going to die soon. Jim sat by her bed for days, distraught, and then he finally said, “Please, tell me now. Why do you always wear that ribbon around your neck?”

In a croaky voice, his wife replied, “Okay, I’ll tell you. Take it off now.”

Jim reached for the ribbon with fumbling fingers.

He pulled the bow loose, and her head fell off.

Alberto: A young girl hears her mother call her name from downstairs, so she gets up and starts to head down. As she gets to the top of the stairs, her mother pulls her back and whispers,

“Don’t go down there, I heard it too.”