Are nostalgic shows better than new shows?

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By Max Franklin | Staff writer


What is nostalgia? Is it something tangible, like your favorite toy from when you were a child that you’ve found under your bed? Or is it an activity, such as doing your hair, which meant a lot for your childhood? What if it’s none of these, but something you can’t touch – like a happy memory that comes to mind when you see something? It could even be TV shows you loved as a kid.

Yes, everyone had a favorite show when they were young, and many still love to remember those shows and revel at how good they were. The shows that students here at Indian Trail watched ranged from classics like Johnny Bravo, Dexter’s Lab, and Catdog to newer shows like Spongebob Squarepants to older “adult” shows like Criminal Minds and Sportscenter.

Some students, such as Max Alfredson, a General Studies freshman, no longer watch the childish shows they enjoyed when they were young. Alfredson watched Johnny Bravo and Spongebob, but chooses not to watch these shows for a few reasons.

“They either don’t play them [Johnny Bravo] or they suck now [Spongebob],” Alfredson said. He does still watch Sportscenter, as it is about one of his interests, sports.

Have we learned anything from shows of thepast? Alexis Chatman, also a General Studies freshman, thinks so.

“The shows taught me about karma and not to be too greedy,” Chatman said. “And they made me laugh.”

But not everyone watched only kids shows when they were younger, as Jordan Kasiske, a Med Sci senior, can show. Not only did he watch Spongebob and Dexter’s Lab, but also the “adult” show Criminal Minds.

“[Criminal Minds] taught me what to do and not to do – street smarts, and other random stuff,” Kasiske said.

Why are nostalgic shows so good? All interviewed agreed that the shows of their childhood were better executed than the shows of today. But is that true?

Chatman and Alfredson agree that today’s shows are nowhere near as good as they used to be.

“New kids shows are just stupid, phony, wannabe shows,” Chatman said.

As far as new adult shows, Kasiske believes that new adult shows are actually getting better.

“New adult shows have more values than before, better plot, and more relatable characters than before,” Kasiske said.