Student Schedule Information for Start of 2nd Semester

Good afternoon ITHSA students and families,

With the 2nd semester starting on Monday, January 27th, this is a reminder to login to your Infinite Campus account and familiarize yourself with your student’s 2nd semester schedule.  Please make sure your student saves a screenshot of their schedule as they will not be printed for students.   

For information about schedules and changes, please reference the charts below.  If you have any questions, please email your student’s counselor.  It may take time to hear back from  counselors as they are receiving a high volume of emails this time of year.  If there are issues, we ask that students follow the current schedule until you hear back from the counselor and adjustments are made (if necessary).  

We are looking forward to seeing all of our students back for the 2nd semester!  

Have a great weekend and as always, GO HAWKS!!

Start of 2nd Semester Communication (PDF)