Why did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor?

Why did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor?

Keelin Ricciardi, Katie Carpenter


Melissa Thomas

Learning Targets
I can analyze primary and secondary sources to understand a historical event in greater detail.
I can support my claim with evidence from primary and secondary sources.
I can write a thesis that addresses the guiding question and support it with evidence from my research.

In conjunction with our case study on Pearl Harbor students focused on the question : “Why did the Japanese attack the U.S. at Pearl Harbor?”
They looked extensively at 6 documents. had a background reading (Pearl Harbor 30), watched a video clip of the attack, read first hand accounts, listened to FDR “Day of Infamy Speech”, and looked at the facts of the attack.
Students task was to write an essay that answers the question
Why did the Japanese attack the U.S. at Pearl Harbor?

Final Products
Keelin Ricciardi
Katie Carpenter

Additional Content 
Pearl Harbor Essay – Graphic Organizer
Pearl Harbor Essay – Rubric

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