Policy 3800 – Asset Management

The Executive Director of Business Services shall have overall responsibility for asset management in the District, including the receipt, warehousing, inventory and disposal of all District supplies and equipment.

Supplies and equipment shall be received at the central warehouse and delivered in accordance with established administrative procedures.

Inventories of District property shall be maintained. All items purchased with a value of $1,000 or greater or a life of three years or more shall receive a tag containing a bar code symbol and the identifying words “Property of Kenosha Unified School District”. All items with a value of $5,000 or greater shall be recorded as fixed assets on the District’s financial accounting system.

Furniture, equipment and supply items no longer needed by the District are to be disposed of by making them available on a reasonable basis to any non-profit organization in quantity lots or by periodically holding public sales. Public notice will be given concerning details for the disposition of these items. Non-saleable items will be sold for salvage or destroyed.

Textbooks, library books and other instructional materials no longer needed by the District may be disposed of by recycling, incinerating, sale or scrapping. Requests from organizations or individuals for any of such materials will be considered, with first priority being given to non-profit organizations.

Obsolete central warehouse materials shall be disposed of in accordance with established procedures.

Any sale of property belonging to and no longer needed by the District shall be authorized at the District’s annual meeting. All monies received from the sale of these items or salvage materials will be deposited in the General Fund.


  • Wisconsin Statutes
    • Sections 120.10(12) [Annual meeting power; sale of district property]
    • 120.12(1) [Board duty; care, control and management of district property]



AFFIRMED: March 26, 1991


  • April 9, 1991
  • September 9, 1991
  • October 26, 1999
  • October 28, 2003
  • December 18, 2007

Rule 3800 – Asset Management

  1. Receipt of Supplies and Equipment
    1. The Distribution and Utilities Manager shall be responsible to the Purchasing Agent for receiving, warehousing and inventory of supplies and equipment in the central warehouse and shall be responsible to the Director of Finance for the delivery of supplies and equipment from the central warehouse.
    2. The principal or departmental administrator shall be responsible for the receipt of supplies and equipment delivered to the school or department.
    3. Receiving reports shall be signed upon receipt of materials and forwarded to the Purchasing Office.
    4. Current procedures for the receipt of supplies and equipment by purchase order, from warehouse stores or by transfer, shall be incorporated into the Requisitioning and Purchasing Procedure Manual.
  2. Inventory of Supplies and Equipment
    1. A physical inventory of all District buildings and equipment, including textbooks and library books, will be made with District staff or by an independent appraisal firm to provide a record for insurance values and for management information.  The physical inventory will be updated on a three-year rotating basis, with one-third of the inventory being updated annually.  The Purchasing Office will furnish the necessary information concerning purchases of new and additional equipment, replacement of equipment, transfers of equipment between buildings, disposal of equipment, and casualty losses of equipment.  A report will be provided to the Director of Finance of all fixed assets with a value of $5,000 or greater.  An updated copy of the physical inventory shall be provided to each principal and departmental administrator annually.
    2. A physical inventory of all central warehouse items shall be taken annually.  The Distribution and Utilities Manager, under the supervision of the Director of Finance, shall be responsible for the warehouse inventory.  A record of the number of units received, number of units issued, unit cost, number of units on hand, and value of units on hand will be provided for each stores item.
    3. Each principal or departmental administrator will be informed of their responsibilities regarding the physical inventory of supplies and equipment under their charge.  The responsibilities are as follows:
      1. Provide written acceptance of the physical inventory of supplies and equipment under their charge at the start of their appointment to the position.
      2. Upon receipt of an updated copy of the physical inventory record for their respective school or department, review it for accuracy and report any discrepancies to the Purchasing Office whenever there is a change in administrative personnel.
      3. Furnish the necessary information on the transfers of equipment on forms located on the District intranet program, Advisor.
      4. Maintain internal inventory records of equipment in classrooms and other areas of the building as part of closing each school year.
    4. Information on disposal of equipment will be furnished by the Distribution and Utilities Manager and on casualty losses by the Director of Finance.
    5. The Director of Finance shall have the authority to adjust inventory records to reflect variances determined by comparing physical inventory and accounting records.
  3. Disposal of Furniture and Equipment
    1. The Finance Office is responsible for the disposal or redistribution of items no longer needed by the District in accordance with District policy and established procedures.
    2. The Purchasing Department, with the assistance of the Distribution and Utilities Department, will determine whether or not an item is no longer needed by the District.  The following factors are to be considered in determining when an item is no longer needed in the District:
      1. The item cannot be repaired
      2. The cost of/to repair is excessive
      3. It is not feasible to use the item for trade-in purposes
      4. The item is obsolete
      5. The item has been replaced by a different kind of item, process or procedure
    3. Prices will be established by the Purchasing Department, with the assistance of the Distribution and Utilities Department.
    4. Arrangements for periodic public sales and sale of salvaged materials will be handled by the Purchasing Department, with the assistance of the Distribution and Utilities Department.
    5. The Purchasing Department will maintain a record of each item sold or destroyed and the value received, if any.
  4. Disposal of Textbooks, Library Books and Other Materials
    1. The review process for disposal or redistribution of textbooks, library books and other instructional materials will be coordinated by the Purchasing Agent and the Executive Director of Curriculum and Instructional Services.  All of the above procedures identified for furniture and equipment disposal will apply.
    2. Books/instructional materials for disposal or redistribution will be picked up annually.  Detailed information and required forms will be distributed in the spring, each year.
  5. Disposal of Warehouse Inventory
    1. Items stored in the Central Warehouse are used on a repetitive basis by a number of schools and departments.  When conditions change and an item is no longer needed or shows a low level of activity, the existing stock becomes obsolete.  If practicable, the item should remain in stock until a zero balance is reached.  This should be done before acquiring stock of a new standard.
    2. It is the function of the Purchasing Department to handle obsolete warehouse material.  The disposal of obsolete warehouse materials may be handled in one of the following ways:
      1. Return to the manufacturer or supplier
      2. Substitute or exchange for updated material
      3. Scrap and charge off the resulting loss

      The first method to investigate is to return the material to the supplier.  Most vendors will accept the return of good saleable material at its original cost less a restocking charge.  Substitutions and exchanges should also be explored.  Scrapping should only be done if the cost of attempting to return the material is more than the value of the material.

    3. When it is determined a warehouse item is to be scrapped or disposed of, the Purchasing Department will issue a report including the following information:
      1. Quantity and Unit
      2. Description (Part number, Size, Material)
      3. Condition
      4. Date of Purchase
      5. Original Cost
      6. Present Value
      7. Location

      This information will go to the Director of Finances for final approval.  Upon approval, the Purchasing Department will notify the Distribution and Utilities Department to dispose of the material in the same manner as outlined above for furniture and equipment disposal.