Administrative Regulation 5118.3 – Retention/Acceleration

Retention – Elementary Grades – K-5

Each elementary school will utilize the following procedures in deciding the retention of a student:

  1. Any student achieving substantially below the appropriate grade level will be considered for retention through the building level staffing process. Students will not be considered for retention for non-academic reasons such as behavioral management difficulties, lack of motivation, punishment, etc
  2. It is strongly recommended that whenever possible retentions be limited to kindergarten, grade 1, and grade 2 with other interventions used to address lack of progress at higher grade levels. When lack of progress continues, retention may be considered at the higher grade levels.
  3. A child may not be retained more than once without approval from the Superintendent/designee.
  4. The academic progress of students with disabilities or 504 Accommodation plans will be addressed in the respective educational plans.
  5. The following procedures will be used when a student is being considered for retention:
    1. After the principal the names of students whose academic progress warrants a Student Intervention Team (SIT) meeting to determine early intervention approaches to be instituted.  This staffing, with parent notification and involvement, will be arranged for all referred students. Relevant data such as the following is to be presented at the SIT meeting:
      • Specific skill deficits and strengths in subject areas and interventions utilized by the classroom teacher,
      • Interventions utilized by other staff,
      • Test results and progress grades for current and previous year, assessment results from in-class learning activities including a portfolio of student classwork,
      • Summary of parent-teacher contacts regarding student’s academic progress, and
      • Health records and attendance records wherever relevant.
    2. Based on the SIT meeting, a written plan will be developed to address the student’s lack of achievement. Such a plan will include recommendations for intervention considerations, i.e., school and/or District resources, special tutoring, tutorials, summer school attendance, etc.  The parent/guardian will indicate in writing acknowledgment of the plan.  The plan will be monitored by the teacher and principal with a review meeting held with the parent by the end of the third marking period.  This meeting will include an analysis of the student’s progress as well as a discussion of the available assessment data.
    3. At the end of the third marking period teachers will submit to the principal a list of students who will be considered for retention. At this time the parent/guardian will be notified in writing that retention is being seriously considered and a parent/guardian conference will be scheduled.
    4. Prior to the end of the school year a final SIT meeting will be held to determine whether the child is to be retained. The “Light Retention Scale” or a similar instrument may be administered before a final decision is made regarding retention.

    If retention is recommended at the SIT meeting, the Retention Form will be completed and discussed with the parent/guardian prior to the end of the school year.  The parent/guardian will be asked to sign the form and will be given a copy.  An additional copy of the signed form will be placed in the student’s cumulative folder and a copy sent to the Superintendent/designee.  Any conditions regarding the retention such as reconsideration after summer school or during the next school year will be noted on the Retention Form.

  6. Parent/guardian approval for retention will generally be considered necessary for successful implementation of the retention.
  7. If a retention is recommended without parent/guardian approval, the parent/guardian will have the right to appeal that recommendation to the Superintendent/designee.
  8. The retention will be noted on the student’s report card. Summaries of all staffings will be placed in the student’s record for

Acceleration – Grades K-8

The Kenosha Unified School District recognizes a need for educational alternatives for students who demonstrate advanced academic achievement.  The purpose of acceleration is to place students at the level of their demonstrated competence.  There are two types of acceleration that may be appropriate for academically talented students.  One is vertical acceleration in which a student moves through the regular curriculum sequence at an advanced pace.  The second is horizontal acceleration in which the depth and breadth of a curricular area is explored in more detail.

Each school will utilize the following procedures in deciding either the grade or subject acceleration of a student:

  1. A student may be referred for grade, subject, or course sequence acceleration by a teacher, any other school district professional, or parent(s)/guardian(s) by using the District acceleration form.
  2. Decisions regarding acceleration of students will be handled through the building level staffing process.
  3. Appropriate challenges within the classroom structure will be used as the first alternative in the development of a student’s acceleration plan.
  4. An evaluation of the student’s potential to benefit from subject acceleration or advanced grade placement shall be required. Pertinent data, staff observations, and documented academic performance will be considered in the decision concerning acceleration.  To be considered for acceleration, the student should meet the following criteria:
    1. Based on an evaluation by the school counselor or other appropriate staff, the student indicates a desire to be accelerated.
    2. Based on the building staffing, it is concluded that the socio-emotional maturity of the student is at a level where acceleration is desirable.
    3. Demonstrated exceptional achievement levels in classwork as evidenced by at least one of the following:
      • 95th percentile on a scholastic aptitude test,
      • Academic performance level which is two to four years above current grade level on standardized achievement tests,
      • Above average performance on end of course or grade tests administered by a teacher of the current grade or subject in which the student is enrolled.

      If needed, the recommendation will be referred to the appropriate staff (school psychologist, talent development program consultant, counselor) for additional evaluation.

  5. A conference will be held with all involved personnel including the student’s parents/guardians, the student, teacher(s) and the talent development program coordinator to recommend appropriate placement. The building principal will decide if the placement decision is appropriate.  The principal’s decision may be appealed to the Superintendent/designee.
  6. If the student will be advancing to a different level from one school to another, i.e., elementary to middle high school, administration and counseling staff of both schools will be involved in the planning process. The receiving teacher will conduct an ongoing evaluation.
  7. All grade, subject, or course acceleration decisions shall be made on a trial basis based on the report card grading schedule. In the case of grade acceleration, a staffing will be held to review the student’s progress.  At the end of a three-month trial period, the receiving teacher will assess the student’s progress to ensure that the proper placement has been made.  If academic or adjustment difficulties occur, the committee will reconvene to determine appropriate placement.

Retention – Middle High School, Grades 6-8

Each middle school will utilize the following procedures in deciding the retention of a student.

  1. Any student who is experiencing lack of academic success in grades 6, 7 and 8 as indicated by course grades will be considered for retention through the building level Student Intervention Team (SIT) meeting
  2. Students will not be considered for retention for non-academic reasons such as behavioral management difficulties, lack of motivation, punishment, etc.
  3. A student may not be retained more than once without approval from the Superintendent/designee.
  4. The academic progress of students with disabilities or 504 Accommodations will be addressed in the respective educational plans.
  5. At the end of the first quarter or as soon as evident, any student with two or more failures in academics or full year courses will be staffed to determine the need for early intervention approaches. The following information will be presented for each student being considered for intervention/retention:
    • Specific skill deficits and strengths in subject areas and interventions utilized by the classroom teacher,
    • Interventions utilized by other staff,
    • Test results and progress grades for current and previous year, assessment results from in-class learning activities including a portfolio of student classwork,
    • Summary of parent-teacher contacts regarding student’s academic progress, and
    • Health records and attendance records wherever relevant.
  6. Classroom teachers, AS PART OF THE sit Team, will develop a plan with specific recommendations/modifications to address the students lack of achievement in those subjects where retention may be considered. Such a plan will include recommendations for intervention considerations, i.e., school and/or District resources, tutorials, summer school attendance, etc. The parent/guardian will indicate, in writing, acknowledgment of the plan.  The plan will be monitored by the assigned SIT Team member. The parent/guardian will be notified in writing no later than the end of the second marking period that there are concerns regarding the educational progress of the student and that there is a strong possibility of retention.  A parent/guardian-teacher conference will be scheduled.
  7. At the end of the school year, a review of the student’s academic progress will be conducted as part of a SIT Team review.. Any student failing all four academic classes will be recommended for retention. Parent/guardian will be notified that retention is being recommended.
  8. Students with fewer academic failures or failure in other full year subjects will be given the option of making up a minimum of two deficiencies in summer school. The third deficiency may be made up during the following year if the student has successfully completed summer school.
  9. A Retention Form will be completed with a copy placed in the student’s record folder and a copy sent to the Superintendent/designee. Any conditions regarding the retention such as reconsideration after summer school or during the next school year should be noted on the Retention Form.  Summaries of all SIT meetings will be placed in the student’s record folder.
  10. Parent/guardian approval for retention is generally considered necessary for successful implementation of the retention.
  11. If a retention is recommended without parent/guardian approval, the parent may appeal that recommendation to the Superintendent/designee.
  12. The retention will be noted on the student’s permanent record card. Summaries of all SIT meetings will be placed in the student’s record folder.