We are reaching out to provide an update regarding 3rd quarter grading as outlined below. A streamlined version of this will be shared with parents/guardians and students as well.
Information regarding 4th quarter grading will be forthcoming as we continue to await decisions at the state level. Currently, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction has advised school districts to plan as though we are not returning for the year, but an official order has not been provided to that extent. At this time, the Safer at Home order is in place until Friday, April 24, or until a superseding order is issued, which has not happened as of today. As such, we will provide an update on or around April 27 regarding 4th quarter grading.
Specifics for 4K:
- 2nd trimester grades were completed in February and shared with families during conferences
- 3rd trimester grading expectations will be forthcoming, including home visits and documentation
Specifics for grades K-5:
- 3rd quarter will be extended through Friday, April 24, 2020
- Gradebooks will be opened by IS on Monday, April 20
- Students may turn in missing work assigned before and due on or by Friday, March 13, no later than 3:30 p.m. on Friday, April 24
- Families will be told that missing assignments can be found by contacting teachers via email or during office hours
- Only standards assessed before March 13 will be included in progress reports
- Learning activities assigned on March 30 (start of virtual learning) and beyond will neither be graded nor applied to 3rd quarter grades
- Quarter 3 standards beyond March 13 should be marked “N” in the gradebook
- Teachers must enter 3rd quarter grades and complete grading tasks by 4 p.m. on Monday, April 27
- Building review of entered grades will occur April 28-30
- Final 3rd quarter progress reports will be available via Infinite Campus on Saturday, May 2
- 4th quarter will begin on Monday, April 27, more information will be forthcoming
Specifics for grades 6-12:
- 3rd quarter will be extended through Friday, April 24, 2020
- Gradebooks will be opened by IS on Monday, April 20
- Students may turn in missing work that was assigned before and due on or by Friday, March 13, no later than 3:30 p.m. on Friday, April 24
- This includes allowable revisions as outlined in the class syllabus and/or per teacher’s past practice
- Families will be told that missing assignments can be found in Infinite Campus and/or by connecting with individual teachers via email or during office hours
- Learning activities assigned on March 30 (start of virtual learning) and beyond will neither be graded nor applied to 3rd quarter grades
- Teachers must enter 3rd quarter grades and complete grading tasks by 4 p.m. on Monday, April 27
- Building review of entered grades will occur April 28-30
- Final 3rd quarter grades will be available via Infinite Campus on Saturday, May 2
- 4th quarter will begin on Monday, April 27, more information will be forthcoming
If you have questions, please contact your building principal and/or the Office of School Leadership.