The following took place at tonight’s board meeting:
- Consent Agenda – APPROVED
- Consent/Approve Recommendations Concerning Appointments, Leaves of Absence, Retirements, Resignations and Separations
- Consent/Approve Minutes of 1/15/20 and 1/28/20 Special Meetings and Executive Sessions, 1/28/20 Regular Meeting
- Consent/Approve Summary of Receipts, Wire Transfers and Check Registers
- Old Business – NONE
- New Business
- Discussion/Action Resolution No. 360 – Resolution Recognizing Black History Month – APPROVED
- Discussion/Action Unallocated Funds in the 2019-2020 Adopted Budget – APPROVED
- One-time, prorated $1,000 stipend for all regular full-time equivalent employees (not part-time timesheet) in the following groups: administrative support professionals; administrative, supervisory and technical; community and student support; educational support professionals; facilities; food services; interpreters; and teachers
- Proration is applied by FTE. For example, a half-time employee (.5 FTE) will receive half of the stipend, or $500)
- The stipend is slated to be paid on March 11, 2020
- Funds also were allocated for facilities upgrades, safety enhancements, equity work, staff appreciation, technology tools and others
- One-time, prorated $1,000 stipend for all regular full-time equivalent employees (not part-time timesheet) in the following groups: administrative support professionals; administrative, supervisory and technical; community and student support; educational support professionals; facilities; food services; interpreters; and teachers
- Discussion/Action Employee Handbook – APPROVED
- Effective July 1, 2020
- Discussion Head Start Semi Annual Report – DISCUSSION ONLY
- Discussion School Year 2020-21 Preliminary Enrollment Projections – DISCUSSION ONLY
To see supporting documents, view the full board packet.