I know, all you need at this time of year is another deadline, but if you have time during your busy day, don’t miss out on these benefits. United Healthcare’s free Peloton membership offer will expire on June 30. That means if you sign up and activate the code before June 30, you have a yearlong membership. If you wait until July 1, the code to join will no longer be eligible to activate. If you are currently using Peloton through UHC, your membership will expire 1 year after activation. What is Peloton? If you have 5 minutes or 90 minutes, if you are fit or your couch fits best, if you want to meditate or run in this spring weather, this is for you! For further details on this exciting wellness benefit, please see the flier and my Google Classroom. Teaser: Wellness challenge to come!
Hopefully, you have been taking advantage of your healthy living rewards through the Simply Engage program on Rally! Now is the time to finish up all your activities, claim your gift cards, and use your Rally coins, since rewards are only redeemable through the end of June! If you are not familiar with the program, those covered on UnitedHealthcare have up to $200 in rewards waiting to be claimed as well as an additional $200 for covered spouses. Simply Engaged, which is part of Rally, is a free wellness program that rewards you for participating in wellness activities. Each self-care action gains rewards redeemable for up to a total of $200 in gift cards. If you haven’t been participating, there is still time. To register or check the status of your rewards, Visit myuhc.com® > Health Resources > Rally. For assistance with the redemption process, call toll-free at 1-855-215-0230.
On July 1st, those enrolled in UHC insurance through KUSD, will be eligible to begin the United Healthcare Rewards Program, an all-new, next-level program that brings the best of our wellness options into a digital experience built for a healthier lifestyle and rewards. More information to come on United Healthcare Reward Program!
Set up a time to meet with KUSD’s UnitedHealthcare Health Engagement Nurse, Michelle Metallo, at michelle_metallo@uhc.com or 262-220-2671 or visit my Google Classroom code 5ax5amm https://classroom.google.com/c/NTAyNDExMjQ0MTA4?cjc=5ax5amm